Monday, November 21, 2011

Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder??

Okay, My technical questions have no reply..

So lets move on to something Common.....

Okay people say ';Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder';

But if every single person who meets u, calls u beautiful, cute n sexy....

And at the same time Beauty with brains.....

What does that mean??? :) lolzzzz.......

Just answer watevr comes to mind to this tp question.....Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder??
I find it ironic that people say you are beauty with brains and yet you don't understand. Lack of comprehension suggests either A: you do understand and your proud of it and posting this question for attention. or B: your not as smart as they make you out to be.Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder??
Someone can see you as cute n sexy and someone else can see you as ugly and just disgusting. Thats pretty much it. who ever sees you as the cute n sexy is what ';beauty lies in the eye of the beholder'; is referring to. You know you can say everyone is ugly and Beautiful. i mean EVERYONE. cuz again ppl say jlo is beautiful but i think she is just okay..
it means that this person is flirting!!!! beauty is something that is impossible to convey in words. beauty is in the way u are ur self. the meaning of ';beauty'; differs from one person to another. so don't expect to get the same answer from every body.
You just probably have a very appealing personality, charming, and you prolly have that thing they call ';charisma';...

Just don't let it go to your head.

Because then, when there is some sad apple out there that you can't charm, u will be crushed.
Hon, it means that you have been blessed by God with physical beauty and an intuectual brain plus someone that adores the combination !
that means that not only are you beautiful and you know it but your beauty has shined through enough so everyone notices it.You must have sparkle or sheen that really gets people noticeing.
It means that you're also gullible.
Well, I guess it mean like people view beauty differently. When I like a guy, I see past his looks.
Beauty lies in the eye of the beer-holder

maybe it's not real beauty, untill they behold you or something. lol idk
You know what it means......... the first thing that comes to mind is I think you need to be a little bit more humble!!
It means exactly what they tell ya
it means that you are the perfect package!!
well it means that ur a hell-of-a-catch!!!!
callin u smart. but actually they r just saying this to play u n get in bed wid u. do u have brains
LOL I never understood what that tell me what it

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