Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Confusion about what beauty in the eye of the beholder means?

Does this mean that we all have our individual opinions of what faces and bodies we are drawn/attracted to? That while one guy may think Angelina Jolie is beautiful, another guy may prefer Gweneth Paltrow or Jennifer Aniston? Don't you think it may have something to do with feeling or sensing a romantic chemistry with someone when you look at their photo? That you can sense someone's personality behind the face? For example, when paging through on-line dating photos, aren't we drawn to some faces but not others because we can sense the person's personality behind the face through the photo? So with this concept, not all men would find a slim woman with a good fashion sense, nice hair, good skin tone, pleasant face and sexy body beautiful? Isn't there some standard of beauty? Some guy I know was trying to tell me that not all men would find Jessica Alba attractive and not all women would find Tom Cruise attractive. Or does someone become more beautiful if you feel chemistry with them?Confusion about what beauty in the eye of the beholder means?
it means there is no absolute standard of beauty that everyone would agree on . Each person finds something beautiful or not.

I dont believe you can sense a personality from a picture.

pleasent face and sexy body are individual standards. I might find the pleasent face rather plain, and the sexy body rather hippy with fat thighs etc . Its a good thing though or there would be less chances to find someone for a long term relationship if you werent the ';standard'; of the day.Confusion about what beauty in the eye of the beholder means?
ya beauty is in eye of beholder..............because likes and dislikes of everyone are different...........some like beautiful face, some like beautiful body, some like good personality, and so the choice of every one is different.........so it depends that what you want to look in a person...........to judge his/her beauty.............if you r looking for a good personality then an ugly person can have very good personality and same case is with every thing. Remember one thing............eyes only see that what u want to see.
Its just a polite way to tell ugly people they're ok
absolutely right - im fat and ugly but my wife of 30 years still loves me - havent a clue why ?

Some of the nicest people ive met are no oil paintings, but I usually instinctively go for personality over looks.

The phrase is more accurate for apiarists though.......beauty is in the eyes of the bee holder hahahahahahaha
When I first met my husband I wasn't attracted to him at all. Big nose, not tall enough, unruly hair, no style. But we had mutual friends and saw each other often. I fell in love with his passion, his helpfullness, his humor, and his character, Now his grin, his crinkly eyes, and the way he looks at me is pure beauty.
it means that what one person finds attractive, another may not. it can apply to anything, from people's looks, to someone's art.
Their talking more about a heartfelt beauty. It means who you prefer with inner beauty and that not everyone has the same sense of visual beauty.

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