Tuesday, August 17, 2010

۞۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞ IS beauty always in the eye of the beholder? ۞۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞?

Cool! How did you DO that?

.۞۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞ IS beauty always in the eye of the beholder? ۞۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞?
Not always. Because if it was, then everone could personally define beauty. Though it is true tha some things are beautiful to me that are not to others, some things are just beautiful to all. Such as the sunset. Many of the things in God's creation; He has made beautiful.

P.S. you have posed a very difficult question and you know that a research paper would not be suffcient to answer this question. but never the less, it is something to think on۞۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞ IS beauty always in the eye of the beholder? ۞۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞?
Defianetly........can I take you home with me. I LOVE scarey kitties. Keeps unwanted people away.

No seriously I have to say yes, because my husband for God knows what reason thinks I'm beautiful and let's face it. Three pregnancies don't do a lot for a woman's body in my opinion.
no, like no **** sherlock has rightly said, it in the eye of the beer-holder. but then again, beauty is but a lightswitch away!
Depends on who is beholding what.

Beauty is as beauty does, or so wise men say...
No. Some beauty is innate.
It's BEER-holder
Yeah; exactly the same as Truth and Justice, 'moral values' AND dress sense.

Has to be, otherwise how would warthogs procreate?
You know, I gotta say....that's really really irritating........
How did you do those symbols? Cool!!
I must be going blind

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