Tuesday, August 17, 2010

If BEAUTY is in the EYE of the BEHOLDER than how come A LOT of people find the same person attractive?

The majority of people..like models (Adriana Lima,Vida Guirra), actresses (Angelina Jolie, Jessica Alba), actors (Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp)If BEAUTY is in the EYE of the BEHOLDER than how come A LOT of people find the same person attractive?
Because it is not true. That's just what parents say to make ugly children fill better.If BEAUTY is in the EYE of the BEHOLDER than how come A LOT of people find the same person attractive?
The term 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' has nothing to do with physical beauty. If we were to actually meet Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp or whoever and we found their attitude to be nasty or discover that they are nothing more than a conceited ahole, then It would change our perspective about them. They would no longer be beautiful to us although their looks remain the same.
yes beauty is in the eye of the beholder- all named above is not attractive to me... but that is MY opinion.

Angela Jolie looked like a alien in the latest awards- here look art her.

~~~late at night when your all alone: ';who do u love?';~~ol' song

when your throwing out big buck u got allot of attention and karisma, if your real u avoid all this like the plague cause being in the spot lite leaves no privacy at all and soon the world is stolen from its meaning and is tabloid life sucks, being a childhood superstar on the trampoline was 18 hour days of practice and show business entertainment on the week ends and d-,E's for class room grades and neither end of the spectrum was hell, dropping out is great
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder......its also skin deep.
I dont think any of those people are attractive. I think Angelina Jolie is ugly as hell.
Well, I guess you can call me old fashioned but I don't look at their outside looks but actually get to know a person. I personally find Brad Pitt a jackass
They have the same optometrist ....
Personally, I think it comes down to a basic animal instinct. In the animal world, the ones with the strongest traits of their species, have the most mates, in order to perpetuate the species. As humans, we may find Johnny Depp (in my case!) to be the perfect male specimen, but the odds of me mating with him are pretty rare! Instead, we find other traits in people, that we find specifically appealing to our own taste.
cause alot of ppl have similar taste, but it doesnt mean that because alot of ppl think someone is attractive that everyone thinks so. i know ppl that think that angelina jolie is ugly, but i dont think so.

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