Saturday, July 24, 2010

Are there really dumb questions, or is dumbness, like beauty, in the eye of the beholder?

White, even when your 'dumb', you're beautiful. Remember, I've given you best answer a couple of times when your answers were so dumb, they were hysterical. BTW, how many platypus eggs did you dye over the weekend?Are there really dumb questions, or is dumbness, like beauty, in the eye of the beholder?
Confucius says :

One mans trash is another mans treasure.

What may seem dumb to some could be something someone else didn't know and was too scared to ask so to them it is intriguing.

So yes it is definately in the eye of the beholder.Are there really dumb questions, or is dumbness, like beauty, in the eye of the beholder?
At P%26amp;S there are 2 catagories only, dumb and dumber. And it has nothing to do with beauty cause it ain't pretty at all.

there is no dumb questions

just dumb ppl

if i ask you a question and nod and say yep go it and i really don't and screw it up then that is my fault for not asking to clarify what i did not understand....

or if i keep asking the same question over and over and over...

so it is the person in general not the question
no, i think there are many dumb questions.
didnt you know that there are no dumb questions... only questions from dumb people that like having dumb answers from other dumb people.. i dont count because i admit to be stupid... just not dumb..
I think dumbness is like's in the eye of the beholder.
There are no dumb questions. However, there are many inquisitve idiots.

(A college professor of mine was fond of saying that)
there are no dumb questions,just dumb
I find dumb quite beautiful, like innocence, refreshing and unassuming. I have more fun with the dumb questions, you can take them how you wish, life is too serious.
All my questions are intelligent, because I'm a mature person. I HATE people that ask stupid questions. Seriously...
No, there really are dumb questions
Haven't you noticed? The people who call questions dumb are the ones who haven't thought of it first? In other words, THEY are the dumb ones! No such thing as a stupid question, except the one that doesn't get asked!
there really are dumb questions
its all in the eyes of others.

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