Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Is beauty really,truly in the eye of the beholder?

It must be, since 100% of the world cannot all agree the one object is beautiful.

One person, at least, with always think it's ugly.

There are different kinds of beauty, too. The sort that you choose to see depends on who you are.Is beauty really,truly in the eye of the beholder?
we it must be or their would be no beauty pagents.

oh the otherhand, some very nasty bitchy cruel beautiful people become less attractive as you get to know them. Likewise unattractive people can become more attractive as you get to know them and perhaps like something about their character eg charisma or wacky sense of humourIs beauty really,truly in the eye of the beholder?
Yes and thats only true, real beauty. The personality of someone and how they are with you always enhances their beauty and you (as their partner) add it all up with their appearance and see them in a unique light =]
Yes, of course it is in the eyes of the beholder as it is upto him that how he describes beauty.
I think if you were to ask the beholder, they'd say yes.
No it's in the panties of beautiful woman.
the eyes of the seer of that face
So they say,But theres beauty in all of us from be it on the outside or inside the heart..
yes trust me i seen some of the hottest people wit the ugliest creations on gods earth
It's in the eyes of the BEERholder.
Hi!! ask a mother Rhino there offspring must fit the bill.
unless your blind then its in the eye of the toucher
i think you mean beerholder.
Of course it is!
Of course, who else?
Yes, I suppose that it is.

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